City of Painesville
GovernmentCivic Members
About Us
City of Painesville
Rep/Contact Info
Tara Baumgartner
Assistant Economic Development
- Phone: (440) 392-5795
- Fax: (440) 639-4831
- 7 Richmond Street Painesville OH 44077
Susan Crotty
Economic Development Director
- Phone: (440) 392-5806
Michelle Lapuma
Public Lands & Recreation Director
- Phone: (440) 392-5905
Helen Petersburg
Admin Secretary, City Manager Office
- Phone: (440) 392-5801
- Fax: (440) 639-4831
- 7 Richmond Street Painesville OH 44077
Kathleen Sullivan
Communications Coordinator
- Phone: (440) 392-0350
- 7 Richmond Street Painesville OH 44077
Tony Zampedro
Assistant City Manager
- Phone: (440) 392-5802
- Fax: (440) 639-4831
- 7 Richmond Street Painesville OH 44077