Churches & Religious Organizations
Office Hours M-F 9am-3pm 9am Sunday Service: 10am Service; 10am Facebook Livestream
''First Church'' -- as we humbly call ourselves -- is the oldest congregation in Lake County. We began as a church during the presidency of James Madison, the fourth US President. Founded in 1810, we have been ministering within Painesville and wider community for more than 200 years.
Formally, we are First Church, Congregational, with a membership of 500 people drawn from all segments of our community. We are an economically, racially, educationally, and generationally diverse congregation. You will find our members working in factories, farms, classrooms, and offices, as well as enjoying their retirement.
First Church, Congregational is affiliated with the United Church of Christ.
First Church's purpose is to proclaim and serve Jesus Christ.
Our Mission is straightforward:
Welcome all people in the name of Jesus Christ.
Minister to people in Christ's name.
Teach people to know and follow Jesus Christ.
Lead people to know and follow Jesus Christ.